Altar Server

Alter Server

Altar serving is a great way for young Catholics to learn the traditions of their faith. 

Serving God as an Altar Server is a wonderful way to grow in faith as well as in responsibility, friendship, and other virtues.


The training usually includes two sessions in the evening which last about 2 hours each. 

Servers then work as novices with experienced servers until they are ready to be placed on the schedule. 

Families may choose their primary Mass time. Once their training is completed servers usually serve once every three weeks.

Servers must be of age to enter the 4th grade and must have received their first Holy Communion. Many of our altar servers stay on in the ministry until they graduate from high school.

If you have any questions or wish to sign up for a training course please contact Marty Muzzey at 860-965-5655 or

Adult altar servers assist at weekday Mass, Sunday 7:30 Mass, and at funerals.


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