The Sacrament of Confirmation: A Deepening of Faith and Grace
Confirmation is a beautiful and transformative sacrament in which we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit, deepening our relationship with God and our commitment to live as His disciples. It is through Confirmation that we are more fully incorporated into the Church, empowered to take on the mission of Christ in the world, and enriched with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us.
In this sacrament, the Holy Spirit comes to us in a powerful and personal way. Through the laying on of hands and the anointing with chrism (sacred oil), we are sealed with the Spirit’s grace. We receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s gifts—wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord—which enable us to grow in holiness and to serve others with love and courage.
The Church teaches that "Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace" (CCC 1285). It is the moment when we become more fully alive in Christ, empowered to witness to Him in the world and to spread His love and truth. It is not just an event in our lives—it is a lifelong transformation. In Confirmation, we receive the grace and strength to live out our faith boldly and confidently.
Confirmation is a sacrament of both deep personal encounter and community. As we receive the Holy Spirit, we are reminded that we are not only individuals in faith, but members of a vibrant Church community, united in Christ and sent to share His love with the world. Through Confirmation, we are strengthened to live as active disciples, serving others, and growing in our relationship with God.
At St. Anthony Church, we warmly invite all those who are ready to experience the beauty of Confirmation. Whether you are preparing as a young person or as an adult, Confirmation marks a powerful moment in your spiritual journey. We want to walk with you in this sacred step of faith, guiding you as you prepare to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
For more information on the preparation process and to learn more about this incredible sacrament, please contact the Parish Center. We look forward to supporting you as you embark on this enriching experience of deepening your relationship with God and the Church.
Sponsor Certificate for Baptism or Confirmation
If you have been asked to serve as a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation, we are grateful for your willingness to support and guide someone on their faith journey. To receive a Sponsor Certificate, we ask that you meet a few important criteria, ensuring that you are in good standing within the Church and are prepared to fulfill this important role.
To qualify for a Sponsor Certificate, you must:
Be a registered, active parishioner at St. Anthony Church for at least three months.
Be over the age of 16 and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
If married, your marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church.
For students who are away at college, please obtain a sponsor certificate from the chaplain or parish you attend while at school. Military personnel are asked to request a certificate from the chaplain at their base.
If you’ve been invited to serve as a sponsor but do not yet meet these requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish Center. We would be happy to schedule an appointment with Fr. Gregory to discuss how we can assist you in fulfilling this important role in the faith journey of your loved one.