Holy Orders

Holy Orders

If you feel that God may be calling you to serve in Holy Orders, we invite you to speak with Father Gregory. He would be happy to share more about this sacred vocation and help you discern your path. For more information, you can also visit the  Archdiocesan website, which offers resources and guidance for those exploring a call to religious life.

Holy Orders: Answering God's Call to Serve

Holy Orders is a beautiful and profound sacrament through which men are called to serve the Church in the footsteps of the Apostles, continuing the mission entrusted to them by Christ. This sacrament, known as the Sacrament of Apostolic Ministry, is a powerful moment of grace in which a man is set apart for service to God’s people. Through the laying on of hands and the prayer of Consecration, the priest or bishop prays for the specific gifts and graces needed for that individual to faithfully carry out his role in the Church.

Holy Orders is conferred in three distinct degrees—deacon, priest, and bishop—each one marking a unique calling and mission. These sacred orders are permanent, meaning that once a man receives the sacrament, he is marked with a special character that lasts for life, empowering him to serve in a particular way within the Church.

Deacons are called to serve in works of charity, assist in liturgical functions, and proclaim the Gospel.

Priests are called to act in the person of Christ, offering the sacraments, preaching the Word, and shepherding God’s people.

Bishops bear the fullness of the sacrament and are entrusted with the pastoral care and teaching of the entire Church, guiding and protecting the flock.

Throughout the history of the Church, the sacrament of Holy Orders has been the means by which Christ’s mission on earth is carried on, from generation to generation. It is a life dedicated to service, humility, and love—a beautiful vocation that calls men to live as Christ lived, laying down their lives for others.

At St. Anthony Church, we believe that vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life are among the most noble and important callings a person can receive. We wholeheartedly support and encourage those who feel drawn to this path, and we are here to help guide and nurture those discernments.

If you feel that God may be calling you to serve in Holy Orders, we invite you to speak with Father Gregory. He would be happy to share more about this sacred vocation and help you discern your path. For more information, you can also visit the Archdiocesan website, which offers resources and guidance for those exploring a call to religious life.

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